Under the Guidance and Leadership of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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Volunteer @TCR
Triumphant Christian Retreat is seeking skilled volunteers to help expand the service offerings to its residents and build up their life skills and spirituality during the course of recovery. Applications are being accepted for the volunteer opportunities listed below. Time commitment is based on your set availability that you provide to us. All we ask is that, should you find yourself with several hours and nothing to do, you consider putting your unique skills, life experiences and desire to work in helping others.
Volunteer Application Process
To apply, submit required information via email to triumph.tcr@gmail.com.
Individuals, interested in volunteering at TCR, are to:
Submit a letter of expression of interest via email, addressing the following questions:
Why you’re interested to serve at a recovery center.
What service opportunity you’re interested in; your skills and competencies.
Your availability and frequency to volunteer.
Request from their Father Confessor to submit a letter of recommendation via email.
Once the above is completed, the application will be reviewed by the TCR Intake Committee and a phone interview will be scheduled.
Volunteer hours spent at TCR may be eligible for volunteer credits for academics or continuing education.
Volunteer Opportunities
Bible Study Facilitator/Hymnology Teacher
Facilitate weekly on-site meeting that integrates Christianity into the addiction recovery/trauma healing process.
Mastery of Biblical topics related to addiction, sexuality, trauma, etc. Ability to develop semi-structured topical lesson plans.
Teach hymns classes and the basic understanding of the prayers and rites of the divine liturgy.
Social Worker (for non-resident)
Provide coaching, counseling, and education to families of the residents recovering from addiction, whether in person meetings or via phone calls.
Life Workshops
Conduct workshops on personal finance to help residents understand how to build/rebuild their credit, money management, savings.
Education Workshops
GED tutoring, literacy enrichment, college counseling, resume writing and career counseling, computer skills training
Recreational Activities – at our facilities or off-site:
Sports and fitness activities such as workout classes, martial arts, ropes course, soccer, basketball, football
Arts activities such as photography, music therapy, choir workshops
Family day events such as barbeques and games
Field trips to public recreational parks
Support and provide holiday meals
Facility Beautification
Building renovations, DIY projects for the facility, landscaping, fencing, etc.
Live-In Staff Volunteer
About Live-In Staff Volunteer
First and foremost, treat this experience as an opportunity to draw closer to God yourself, and all other things will fall into place. Lead by example. Embrace a positive attitude, love, gentleness, self-control, and spirit of obedience.
General daily duties:
Waking up at 7 a.m. for prayer.
Attending/helping lead prayers.
Ability to attend or teach bible study/hymns.
Engage brothers in healthy, spiritual talks or activities.
Appropriating duties as well as working alongside them during duties when possible.
Timing showers.
Monitoring phone calls.
Running local errands with the TCC vehicle.
It is important to dispel any conflicts as they arise. Having a good dialogue with the House Manager about any conflicts, rule breaks, or negative behavior/attitudes is a must, even about your own limitations or opinions/suggestions. Don't get discouraged or be afraid to give up a few of your freedoms or step out of your comfort zone for the sake of the service. It's good to bring a good book to read during your time.
Volunteer hours spent at TCC may be eligible for volunteer credits for academics or continuing education.
Expectations and Requirements
A minimum of one (1) month commitment to this service.
One (1) day off each week, but no regular overnight vacation. Weekly day off is to be organized the week prior with the other House Manager to plan for the upcoming week accordingly.
The House Manager must be notified of any overnight vacation request at least 10-14 days in advance for them to plan the daily schedule for those days accordingly.
No more than three (3) days off on any given week for the duration of the volunteering.
If there is a need for a vacation for over three (3) days off, it is to be discussed and approved by Fr. Jerome prior to the commitment of serving as a volunteer, or at least one (1) month in advance.
Comply with all TCC rules and expectations that apply to all staff.
Maintain the integrity of confidential communications or activities while maintaining a professional, courteous and cooperative manner with all staff, residents, and outside contacts.
Clean DMV record and clear of any criminal convictions.
Non-Smoker. This is a non-smoking facility.
Be subject to random drug screening at any given time.
Major Responsibilities, Duties, Functions, and Tasks of the Position
Receive training and directions from the House Manager.
Follow oral and written instructions for all duties assigned and performed in an effective, timely and professional manner.
Demonstrate the ability to work both independently and as part of a team.
Supervise participants, provide on-site monitoring, care and supervision to the residents.
Communicate in an honest, open manner about any concerns or issues with co-workers or administrative staff. Maintain a professional manner at all times.
Participate in and attend the daily classes with the students, assisting in creating records for each student's history and progress charts.
Clearly articulate and fairly and consistently enforce the program rules and expectations to students.
Plan, prepare and lead recreational and social activities/work projects. No group outings are allowed unless approved by the House Manager. Use the van log properly.
Help the residents maintain and clean the house at all times. Notify the House Manager of the need for any house repairs, vehicle maintenance, and other repair needs.
Begin daily shift schedule on time, and give required notice and cause if unable to perform shift responsibilities.
Never leave the groups unattended under any circumstance.
About Triumphant Christian Church
Located in Brooksville, Fla., the ministry of Triumphant Christian Church (TCC) provides a nine-months faith-based road to recovery through our Lord Jesus Christ. TCC provides services to men who are seeking freedom from Satan’s kingdom and spiritual recovery from the bondage of sin and addiction through Christian principles and Orthodox teachings. Our mission is to build a refuge for the spiritual, emotional, and physical regeneration of men who struggle with alcohol and drug addiction. The work regime and Christian study, combined with the peaceful setting, allow residents time to re-evaluate their lives and begin to understand why they have faltered along the way.